About 237 years ago the leaders of our country gathered to form a new government. This land would be governed by individuals who were freely elected by the majority of the people. This land would encourage freedom, democracy and fulfillment, by proclaiming that all people had the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This would be the land of opportunity.
In this land of opportunity every individual would be encouraged to contribute to the economic system and would be rewarded according to that contribution. This land would have low rates of taxation and a limited role for government. That would ensure freedom and just rewards for all contributions. This would be the land of opportunity.
That land is rapidly being destroyed by our new lords, the politicians. We, the new serfs, will be required to work for the government, and in return we will be entitled to the so-called “protection and justice" of the government to maintain our own subsistence. We will often be required not only to work our “own” government jobs, but also other projects the government deems more important, such as infrastructure, disasters, and wars.
The government, rather than individuals, will form the basic unit of our society, and the government and we, the serfs, will be bound legally, economically, and socially. We will become the biggest, poorest, and lowest social class of society. The politicians will become the smallest, most wealthy, and vastly superior class of society.
What a tragedy for the dream of individuals (Americans) which will be extinguished by a complete totalitarian governmental world.