July 5, 2012

How to Really Maximize Taxes

If you raise the amount of dollars taxed, there are less dollars changing hands, and therefore less taxes.  If you reduce the amount of taxes, there are more dollars changing hands, and therefore more taxes.  The secret is determining the balance that results in the greatest number of dollars changing hands and the greatest number of dollars being collected for taxes.


John Roberts is a conservative and he is not dumb, mentally unstable, diabolical, a turncoat, a Souter or even just trying to be too nice.

So to recap the Roberts court through a brilliant tactical maneuver has: strengthened the limitations of the commerce clause and the necessary and proper clause by a unanimous decision, made Obama raise taxes on the poor and middle classes, converted Obamacare into a tax program repealable with 51 votes in the Senate, enhanced Romney’s and Republican’s fundraising and likelihood of being elected in November, weakened federal extortion and got the left to love Roberts and sing his praises all without anyone even noticing.

Richard Bolen, Lawyer