March 19, 2011

Keep Your "Junk Gold" Dry

"Keep your premium quality gold coins as investments. But when the dollar finally collapses and everything hits the fan, scrap gold will appreciate much more. So don't send your unwanted jewelry and trinkets to outfits like "Cash4Gold." Instead, bundle them up and toss them into your survival kit, next to the packs of cigarettes and bottles of booze. They'll come in handy down the road."

Hector is an economist and a philosophy professor at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Jeff Clark from The Growth Stock Wire 

More Taxes is not the Answer

If we doubled today's tax revenue, we'd still have a deficit. Half of U.S. citizens pay zero taxes. The half that pays would leave if you double its taxes.

Dan Ferris and Sean Goldsmith from the S & A Digest

A Sign of the Times...Declining Currencies...

How has it come to be that a copper penny (95% copper) is worth more dead than alive ($0.0284119 vs. $0.01)?
