March 19, 2011

Keep Your "Junk Gold" Dry

"Keep your premium quality gold coins as investments. But when the dollar finally collapses and everything hits the fan, scrap gold will appreciate much more. So don't send your unwanted jewelry and trinkets to outfits like "Cash4Gold." Instead, bundle them up and toss them into your survival kit, next to the packs of cigarettes and bottles of booze. They'll come in handy down the road."

Hector is an economist and a philosophy professor at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Jeff Clark from The Growth Stock Wire 

More Taxes is not the Answer

If we doubled today's tax revenue, we'd still have a deficit. Half of U.S. citizens pay zero taxes. The half that pays would leave if you double its taxes.

Dan Ferris and Sean Goldsmith from the S & A Digest

A Sign of the Times...Declining Currencies...

How has it come to be that a copper penny (95% copper) is worth more dead than alive ($0.0284119 vs. $0.01)?


March 15, 2011

March 10, 2011

Best Criminals: The Federal Reserve Board

"The best criminals convince the world that they don't exist.

The Federal Reserve has done the same thing with its paper dollar.  The best counterfeiters convinced the world there's no real money.

The world used gold as its monetary foundation for at least 4,000 years.  Only since 1971 has the world's reserve currency had no connection to gold.  And yet, only 40 years later, it seems as though most people have forgotten gold is the only real money.

We think this is the greatest financial crime in human history. The U.S. government convinced the world gold didn't matter, that its paper (which it can legally print) is better than gold.  It  convinced all of its creditors that counterfeiting was better than sound money.

What do you think is going to happen when our creditors wake up and realize how they've been duped?  One thing is certain; they won't trust us again.  And they won't buy our bonds."

Porter Stansberry, February 2011

March 9, 2011

New Stuff...Old Stuff...

New stuff keeps appearing...old stuff keeps disappearing...


Before You Destroy America...

Whether you are Islamic, American, Hacker, Chinese, Criminal, Russian, Greedy, Alien ...Whatever ... before you destroy America, think about where you might otherwise find the following items invented in American and what even better items could follow them:

Internet, Global Positioning System (GPS), bubblegum, sewing machines, automatic transmissions, autopilots, hypertext (HTML...),electric guitars, lasers, photographic  film, credit cards, jeans, barcodes, escalators, liquid crystal displays (LCD), microprocessors, anesthesia, Facebook, digital cameras, integrated circuits, nylon, QWERTY, flowcharts, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cash registers, phonographs, faxes, personal computers, supermarkets, Youtube, microwave ovens, transistors, bottle caps, Teflon, airplanes, masking tape, direct current (DC), televisions, Google, lightning rods, suspension bridges, mobile phones, fire hydrants, solar cells, computer mouses, typewriters, wrenches, wireless local area networks (WLAN), dental floss, Universal Product Code (UPC), email, mail order, radiocarbon dating, baseball, industrial robots, light emitting diodes (LED), rotary printing presses, swim fins, refrigeration, polio vaccine, oral contraceptive pills, Twitter, washing machines, safety pins, radios (even before Marconi!), liquid crystal displays (LCD), vulcanized rubber, burglar alarms, electric motors, eBay, skyscrapers, drinking straws, zippers, tractors, dissolvable pills, the assembly line, radio direction finders, hearing aids, thermostats, hearing aids, bulldozers, hydraulic brakes, digital video recorders (DVR), sunglasses, remote controls, digital computers and computer programming  languages, Skype, electric fans, microphones (carbon), pin tumbler locks (modern), frequency modulation radios (FM), wetsuits, plasma displays, garbage disposals, Richter Magnitude Scale, cable televisions, hard disk drives, radio carbon dating, xerography, smoke detectors, radio telescopes, videogames, lasers, compact disks (CDs), spreadsheets (electronic), laser printers, acoustic suspension speakers, carbon fiber, voicemails, cordless telephones, vacuum cleaners, Flash programming, videophones, and a billion other things that you  rely on and don’t even think about.


March 2, 2011


The bullies of the world seem to be winning...again.
