November 25, 2010

Societal Cancer

The human body succumbs when cancerous cells proliferate to compromise a critical body function. In the same way, a human society, whether it be an empire, a nation, or the entire human race, will similarly succumb when enough of its human beings consume, rather than produce, societal resources and proliferate to compromise a critical societal function.

A person normally begins as billions of cells, ALL of whom are trying their hardest to support the health and survival of the person. A rapidly developing and productive person usually results. To maintain this survival state, there are roving cells within each person whose sole function is to search for and destroy cells that have been damaged or reprogrammed so as to take resources from the person, but not give any resources back. Normally, these damaged cells are entirely removed from the person to ensure its continued health and survival.

At some point, whether through import of poisonous resources into the organism, e.g. impure water and air or “dead” food or foreign substances, or just aging, the cells responsible for cleansing the being of cancerous cells are compromised, and the cancerous cells are allowed or even encouraged to reproduce. At some point the cancer “metastasizes” and the cancerous cells proliferate to compromise a critical body function, causing the death of the person, as stated before.

Similarly, whether through import of poisonous resources into society, e.g. entitlement beliefs, rather than productive beliefs, or aging, the persons responsible for cleansing the society of nonproductive persons are compromised, and the “entitled” persons are allowed or even encouraged to reproduce through raising their children in the same beliefs, encouraging their neighbors in the same beliefs, or in recent history, being encouraged by their governments in such beliefs!

Similarly, at some point these entitled (cancerous) persons “metastasize” and they proliferate to the point they compromise a critical societal function, causing the death of the society, as stated before.

Unfortunately, this “societal cancer” has taken root with a vengeance in current times, especially with the encouragement of increasing numbers of governments, local, regional, and even international. The numbers of persons, who believe that they are entitled to societal resources, rather than charged with producing societal resources for the benefit of all persons, are exploding. Increasing numbers of societies are compromising their critical functions, e.g. Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and eventually, if not stopped soon, America.

Cancer, when it gets out of control, requires rigorous treatment to prevent death. Cancerous cells must be eliminated. In societal terms, unproductive persons must be returned to productive status. At the risk of being lynched, I am not advocating the death of unproductive persons, although theoretically this would be more efficient, but as far as humanely possible, all persons must be encouraged to produce as much as possible (through societal incentives) to support the health and survival of society, and must be discouraged (through societal disincentives) from only consuming the resources of society.

I am not advocating that persons should not be allowed to take any resources from society. Obviously, persons need resources (food, water, etc.) in order to produce resources, but receiving resources needs to be conditioned upon producing resources to guarantee survival of society. For example, as an incentive, I am advocating that welfare recipients produce societal resources (e.g. work) in return for receiving societal resources (e.g. money). As a disincentive, I am advocating that persons who riot and destroy human resources in order to obtain or maintain human resources should be arrested and institutionalized, until they are able and willing to produce, as well as consume, societal resources.

Quite frankly, failure to defeat the growing societal cancer will doom society to death.


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